03 / 15 ( 火 ) 授業記録
高校 2年 (8時クラス)
単語テスト : 「鉄壁」801~840 +α 単語。a person of fortune / seek one’s fortune、make a critical remark / be in a critical condition、etc.
小テスト : 暗記英作 10問、四択+整序問題 10問、短文解釈 2問。短文解釈での as strongly as though the writer had stated them の as ~ as thought … の箇所、etc.
精訳問題 3問 : [109] での Fairy tales can do for small children, and indeed have been doing for many years, what myth and religious ceremonies did for primitive peoples ― ・・・. の do は自動詞それとも他動詞、[111] Speech sounds stranger the more we attend to it, ~~~. と 最終文での The more we consciously attend to it, the less perfectly we do it. とは同一文型ってことですよネ。単語だけ並べて和訳が完成するってことはなくなったのよ。そこ。
03 / 16 01:27 記